How to hide app taskbar for windows 10
How to hide app taskbar for windows 10

how to hide app taskbar for windows 10

explorer) is lost and focuses on a non visible application (our app) just to return to the original foreground window (since it terminates), weird thing is taskbar still shows its icon "flashing" to fastly disappear.Īnother interesting thing is, that creating a FMX application (in this case 2D mutidevice application) it always creates a Unit2 /TForm2 as main initial form even though there is no Unit1, at least here on my Delphi 10.3 Update 3 Rio installation. When that incompleted FMX application is launched, current foreground application (e.g.

how to hide app taskbar for windows 10

and Application.Run īut add var Handle := ApplicationHWND after Application.Initialize the taskbar icon is created and obviously hidden since application terminates after that. in projects file (dpr) I uncomment Application.CreateForm. `ApplicationHWND` itself without even creating form neither running it, shows its taskbar icon.Į.g. Unlike VCL applications, FMX applications somehow still tries to show its taskbar icon. Tried that too, it still shows the taskbar button for a very little amount of time, then it disappears. Thanks, actually changing GWL_EXSTYLE with SetWindowLong is for hiding it from Alt Tab list. However, I might fix the centering application with delaying and etc ways, but the original question is regarding to hide it completely from taskbar on launch, and to keep it running in background is an option, but I still want it to solve that issue as is (required). Notice that I don't want those applications to be visible because (otherwise) taskbar's thumbnail will interfere in "usability", and that is not wanted.


The FMX version is the last icon, when it is launched the taskbar's icons restart due to that mentioned issue (might fix in the centering application, but without injecting code is hard, though is planned for distant future, I don't want to deal with explorer.exe unexpected crashes yet), while the other launches from pinned icons is a VCL application, and as you can see it doesn't try to create a taskbar button, just remains hidden from the beginning. In this gif animation I show what I mean. I also tried mixing VCL with FMX as MonkeyMixer method suggests, with main application VCL which is hidden and launches the FMX form, yet it still has the same issue, it shows an incomplete icon in the taskbar to fastly disappear, and since my other tool center icons, it is expected that it rearranges taskbar's icons giving an effect like shaking, which is very annoying. lnk with different arguments are allowed more than once) like mac's stacks but with fancy FMX effects and animations, but launching them (being it a FMX application and as stated before it has that taskbar issue) is noticeable since my other tool rearranges its position and it looks weird, but normal VCL application doesn't do that. I'm writing a tool to center the taskbar's icons, and also another one to pin icons and launch from its position (pinned. Is there any way to completely hide it on launch? It shows it in small amount of time, before hiding it but is noticeable. This is more noticeable when FMX application it not pinned. This kind of works, but it is not as "silent"ish as the VCL counterpart, because it still shows a blank button being added to the taskbar then disappears before completely showing its icon. Initialize ShowWindow ( ApplicationHWND, SW_HIDE ). So after looking for answers, I found this one:įMX. Hello, I was trying to use `Application.MainFormOnTaskbar := False` in a FMX application, but it doesn't exits there.

How to hide app taskbar for windows 10